Monday, April 16, 2012



Above images - #1 Roman Lictor - URL:
#2 saint Just/san Giusto, a Roman Lictor? The sentinel of the sacred city of Trieste?
#3 Pomerium and perimeter of the ghosts of the city of Trieste?

[eventually the below text will be improved in the future after the google translation]


The foundation of a city, both Latin and Etruscan, followed a painstaking and meticulous set of rituals.
First, we arranged to meet the auspicia, or the divine messages based on the flight and song of birds, whose interpretation conveyed the will of the gods, this is the responsibility of a priest, the augur. Secondly, we dug a circular pit at the point where the two highways met to form a right angle: the ditch was called the "mundus" (trans. world in the sense of non-contaminated, clean). Inside, in a ritual from symbolic content, were interred religious symbols that would have ensured the future city welfare, prosperity, peace and justice, in particular, the founder will throw a clod of earth brought with him from the place of origin and did the same after him, the other pater familias. Only later, by means of a plow, a furrow was drawn boundary that marked the territory of the city. The rites continued for several days in order to extend the benefits of its 'mundus' entire territory of the city thus making it consecrated to the gods chosen. Since it was not immediately possible to build protective walls on the first track, was made a second groove, parallel to the first. The strip of ground between the first and the second was the "pomerium" real. In this territory bordered on the spectra of the priests, ghosts, ghosts, demons and spirits of disease, war, famine, pestilence and all that could be attributed to a negative situation for the city and its inhabitants.

Here you could not build, you could not live, you could not grow, or you could go (the doors were automatically excluded from pomerium): the area was devoted exclusively to the protectors of the city that should have protected the fence (and consequently, everything that was inside it). This series of strict limitations suggested in many cases to resort to a practical expedient: to match the strip pomerium with the base of the walls of the city, so it was definitely easier to comply with the prohibitions, urban space could be better exploited and the wall itself took on a characteristic of sacredness, although distinct from pomerium true.

The sacred precinct delimited and defined the Urbs, which is the city as entities dedicated to the gods. Only cities with a pomerium Urbes can be defined. The others are, at most, oppida, meaning bodies hide behind walls for purely civil, administrative and defensive.

In the legend of Romulus and Remus of the founding of Rome by Romulus killed Remus is because these transcends the gulf that was tracking. In some legends handed down is the description of the detail that justifies this 'running': Remo beyond the furrow armed. Almost certainly the groove that was drawing Romulus and Remus was the second must have passed the first blotting therefore a grave fault: the desecration of the territory of the city. Knowing the symbolic value and meaning of the pomerium, this killing-generally perceived to be excessive compared to the assumed value of cause-and justifies the continued execution of this cruel act of violence linked to the founding of Rome. The message becomes loud and reassuring for the residents of the city 'will be punished anyone care to the city and its inhabitants' becomes a powerful warning to the enemies.

Traces of the existence of a pomerium remained in the urban layout even after the loss of function of the walls: in ancient Ostia tract bordered inside and outside the walls of the primitive path of the fourth century BC castrum (Pomeriali way) and these pathways have been conserved in the subsequent expansion of the city. Traces remain even in the place names of some Italian cities such as Prato in Tuscany - Etruscan and then Roman origins - where the road that runs along the outer walls is called away just Pomeria or Benevento in Campania - of Roman origin and then Lombard - where the same street is called Via del pomerium. The use of moats around the castles and fortresses, is filled with water or not, are due to activation of the old pomerium.


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Monday, April 9, 2012

Marching towards the enemy

Monday, April 16, 2012

13° 48' 15'' - 13° 24' [from Trieste to the sands of the mark of Brandenburg]

(As I have no time, no resources, no money, no support at disposition, it is clear that what I wrote is affected by many errors and uncorrectness. I am not a prostitute lay journalist of this dirty Vatican 'tollerant' regime called 'democracy'. I have not the 51% of the Bank of America supporting my writings. I don't control the Casinò of Ostenda and neither Citroen and Peugeot as the General Superior did at least in 1958. So corrections and additions could appear in the future)

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