There was a famous motto coming from the homeland of the Mafia, the Italian country, which was saying: “The Mafia doesn’t exist”. Policemen, investigators, inquirers, prosecutors, doing their efforts to fight the Mafia, clashed many times against that impenetrable wall of words, whose bricks had all the sentence impressed: “The Mafia doesn’t exist”. Today the Mafia has been transformed in a spectacle of the Italian (= Pontificial reign) theatrical social stage. The Jesuits ordered that the age when the “Mafia was not existing” had to finish, in order to then build the age of the “Mafia show”. To be politically correct in Italy means to ‘denounce’ the Mafia organizations. It means to ‘support the fight of heroes against the Mafia’. From a secret tool to manipulate the material society, the Mafia has been transformed by the Vatican in a tool to manipulate the immaterial society, the emotions and the brain of the people. They cleaned away their the same criminal organizations from the old ancient families who had a sort of ‘honour-code’, a code that in the new coming times would have meant only: an obstacle to the plans. Because the plans wanted: more war, more choreographed violence and blood. The old families, even if criminal, weren’t stupid. They had to use also diplomacy. In the new age diplomacy is useless. This was the bloody war age when the families did a fratricide war. Then they blessed an exponent of the Mafia criminality burying him in a church among bishops and popes in Rome: this was and is the occult signal that the Vatican is still blessing the criminal organizations. Then they putted at the head of the most important anti-Mafia organization, one of their soldier, a Romanist priest.
Today the shoeple have to be fired by a scarecrow, the bloody Mafia (Ndrangheta, Camorra, etc.) scarecrow, in order to divert the attention from the ‘respectable’ palaces where their representatives, in fornication with the Masonry, are executing the orders of the true master of the Mafia, the General Superior.
The same is possible to apply to the Masonry. “The masonry doesn’t exist” is another possible motto. It exists only an association of people doing inoffensive activity. Without power. Exactly like the Mafia. But there’s another presence in the below article. You’ll note the presence of something we usually consider lost in the past centuries: the denial of the Freedom of Conscience, cursed by Pious IX in 1864, a denial then ‘legalized’ in the First Vatican council in 1870. It emerges, even if disguised by the ‘enlightened’ speech of the text, in the obsession for the questions, in the phobia for the use of the proper brain the author, nevertheless a Mason himself, is doing. To put questions is not admitted by Rome, but as the strategic opportunity of this (ending) age suggests to her to keep a low profile, the desire coming from the rotten and turbid waters of the Tiber cannot be brought to the masses with esplicit Roman Catholic buckets. This is the reason of existence of the Masonic cup of ‘knowledge’ – the cup is different, but the contents is always the sap of the Vatican.
There are basically two different way to suppress the use of the proper brain. One method is the 'hard' method, the direct oppression of the Freedom of Speech/Consciousness. But this method has many collateral negative effects. And so it is used mostly just for these negative collateral effects. The second method is the most used, and it is summoned by the "put learning against learning" method:
..... so instead to suppress the use of the brain, you have to confuse him with a useless, bombastic waste of intellectual energies which will die in thousands and thousands of blind cultural and ideological alleys. Then you can present well the truth to the massess, but no one will believe to you.
David Ovason, zodiacs and Washington, DC
David Ovason cannot be labeled an anti-mason. In fact he is careful to disassociate himself from those who hold a negative opinion of Freemasonry and has, since publishing this book, become a freemason. But he is an astrologer by trade and inclination, and his perspective is strongly influenced by his own beliefs. This leads him to conclusions about Freemasonry and freemasons that are not contained within the rituals and teachings of Freemasonry. Unfortunately a number of his unsubstantiated claims can be used by those who do wish to condemn Freemasonry. For that reason a brief overview of his book is included here. He peppers his claims with such expressions as: "one suspects," "I feel," "my impression," "it is clear," "cannot be without significance," "dare we ask," "without doubt," "it is my guess," "it is quite evident," "I am left with the conviction" and a litany of would have, could have, must have beens. But no documented proof. Ovason’s premise, if not belief, is that Pierre Charles L'Enfant (b. 1754/08/02, d. 1825/06/14) and Major Ellicott (b. 1754/01/24, d. 1820) intended Pennsylvania Avenue to provide a view of the setting sun from the Capitol building annually on August 10th. The reason for this was because on that day the sun is in 17 degrees of Leo and the star Regalus sets over the White House just over half an hour after sunset, leaving the stars "Spica, in Virgo, and Arcturus in Bootes." "They are the three stars which Masons such as Pike and Brunet recognized as enclosing the constellation of Virgo." [p. 346] This, he asserts, proves "the city was intended to celebrate the mystery of Virgo — of the Egyptian Isis, the Grecian Ceres and the Christian Virgin." [p. 349] Ovason asserts his belief that Freemasonry is replete with astrological lore spilling into the cornerstone rituals and implies without proof or documentation that astrology charts were consulted before setting the several dates for cornerstone laying ceremonies. Yet he has to admit, "the zodiac appears in Masonic symbolism with surprising infrequency." [p. 171] Although he admits that "not a single documented horoscope has survived from this early period" [p. 381], he goes on to cast horoscopes for the dates of a number of cornerstone dedications and believes, from their similarity, that they prove that the dates must have been originally decided on by casting horoscopes. Ovason presumes to know the minds of the city planners and claims that they were esotericists who believed that the physical representations of symbols contained real power. Ovason poses the question, "...can it be true that such esoteric bodies as the Masons regard these ancient gods and goddesses of the steller pantheon as living beings, with the power to exude benefices and virues on certain parts of the Earth?" [p. 168-69] He doesn't answer the question, but in context it can be viewed as rhetorical, and misleading. Later he writes: "By means of the Masonic art, appropriate spiritual beings could be invited to participate in the life of a building or city with extreme precision." [p. 374] Although in context he refers to mediaeval stonemasons, the implication could be that this is a current belief. He disavowes any overtly masonic influence: "I am not suggesting for one moment that it was 'the Masons who built Washington DC', or that Masons' Lodges ever had a coordinated, formulated plan to influence the growth of the city in any way." [p. 355] But much is made of the real and imagined Masonic membership of the city’s planners and architects, and much is made of an assumed Masonic significance to symbols found in the architecture of the city’s buildings. Of L'Enfant, he claims proof of him "...almost certainly being a Mason" [p. 45] and later claims "What is not so well known, because it has only recently come to light, is that L'Enfant, who is reputed to have been the original designer of Washington DC, was probably a Mason." [p. 336]. He repeats this later: "It is very likely that L'Enfant was a Mason" [p. 405]. Then, in an endnote, he reveals: "The discovery of the manuscript revealing this information has not yet been reported in the Masonic literature, consequently I do not feel free to reveal the source of this information, which came to me by way of private conversation." [p. 456 n58]. Ovason claims that Ellicott was "now revealed in the ritual as a Masonic brother of George Washington...." [p. 47] and later asserts: "Perhaps this tie [to Washington and Franklin] was strengthened by communal Masonic interests" [p. 44], and reasserts his claim that "Even the man who drew the version of the map on which the painted map [the 1793 oil painting Washington Family by Edward Savage] was based — Andrew Ellicott — was a Mason." [p. 336] No documentation is cited. He admits in an endnote: "Although I do not doubt that Ellicott was a Mason, I have not been able to discover to which Lodge he belonged." [p. 456 n59] The only documentation associating Ellicott with the freemasons appeared shortly after Elisha Cullen Dick, Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22, dedicated the cornerstone marker at Jones Point on April 15, 1791. Ovason quotes an unidentified newspaper account "published 13 days afterwards" [p. 48] may possibly have been Dunlop’s American Daily Advertisor, Philadelphia 28 April 1791, but the endnotes [p. 406] are unclear: ...Stewart [sic] at his right, and the Rev. James Muir at his left, followed by the reft of the fraternity, in their ufual form of proceffion, — a laftly, the citizens, two by two.
When Mr. Ellicott had afcertained the precife point from which the firft line of the diftrict was to proceed, the Mafter of the Lodge and Dr. Stewart, affifted by others of their brethren, placed the Stone ; after which a depofit of corn, wine and oil was made upon it, and the following obfervations were delivered by the Rev. James Muir: "Of America it may be faid, as it was of Judea of old, that it is a good land, and....
History of the Grand Lodge and of Freemasonry in the District of Columbia. p. 1. |
What Ovason omits is the beginning half of the paragraph which details the order of the parade, placing "Mr. Ellicott and the Recorder" in the third row, several rows ahead of the Master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 of Alexandria, Virginia, and the procession of Freemasons.1 This press clipping does not identify Ellicott as a freemason. Note that Ellicott came from a long line of Quakers [p. 355] who do not approve of Freemasonry.
(Note of avles: probably Ellicott was not openly a Mason just as he belonged to a traditional anti-Mason social group. Was Ellicott an infiltrated Mason in the Quakers? (pardon for my heretical 'questioning'))
Ovason mentions several key figures in the construction of the city’s architecture such as John Lenthall—"in charge of the construction of the US Capitol" [p. 2]; Franklin Webster Smith (b. 1826c) , — whose "highly original architectural ideas would help revolutionize the appearance of the city." [p. 4] ; self-taught mathematician and astronomer Benjamin Banneker--who "worked on the project for only a few months: it seems that his age told against him..." [p. 6]; and influential architect Adulf Cluss who, moving to the USA in 1845 from Germany, designed the Smithsonian’s first separate museum in 1881 [p. 14], designed vaulted culverts on Tiber Creek, and oversaw the paving of avenues and planting of trees. [p. 400] He doesn't claim they were freemasons. Ovason notes that the following were freemasons but fails to demonstrate what significance their membership might have to his main premise.
Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi: sculptor of Statue of Liberty, member of Lodge Alsace-Lorraine, Paris
William A. Brodie: Grand Master New York, 1884
Benjamin B. French; Grand Master 1847. Laid the cornerstone of the Smithstonian in 1847 by courtesy of Potomac Lodge No. 5, Washington DC
James Garfield: i. 1861/11/22, p. 1861/12/23 Magnoloia Lodge No. 20, Columbus Ohio. Charter member Pentalpha Lodge No. 23
Theodore Roosevelt: i. 1901/01/02 Matinecock Lodge No. 806; honourary member Pentalpha Lodge 1904/04/04
Casper Buberl: Bohemian sculptor
John Philip Sousa: Hiram Lodge No. 10 Washington DC petitioned: 1881/06/03. Sousa’s The Crusader premiering in 1888, incorporates Masonic music, according to John Philip Sousa, A Descriptive Catalogue of His Works by Paul E. Brierley. [p. 398]
Ebenezer Sibley, English astrologer who cast USA horoscope. i. 1784 Lodge No. 79. Ancients, Portsmouth; first Master No. 253, London
James Hoban: the architect who designed the President’s House, Master Georgetown Lodge No. 9, Federal Lodge No. 15 in 1793.
Benjamin Henry Latrobe
John H. B Latrobe (b. 1764/04/01) [p. 217] was elected Grand Master 22 November 1870 [p. 437]
James Hoban, architect of the President’s House, Master of Georgetown Lodge No. 9, and Federal Lodge No. 15 in 1793.
John Marshall, Supreme Court Justice
Andrew Mellon, (d. 1937) secretary of the Treasury under Coolidge and Hoover, donated 15 million dollars to build a national gallery of art; he was made a freemason 1928, and Raised in 1931 [p. 448]
Ovason refers to a number of men as freemasons without citation. Robert Mills, architect of the Washington Monument and Thomas Lincoln Casey, Chief of Engineers, astronomer, architect of Washington Monument and in charge of construction of the new Library of Congress is referred to as freemason without citation. The same for astronomer, Simon Newcomb (1835-1909) and architect, Charles Bulfinch. [p. 218] Denslow makes no mention of Casey or Bulfinch but notes that there is no evidence that Mills was a freemason. Although Lieutenant Commander Henry Honeyman Gorringe [1841-1885] was a freemason, Lieutenant Richard Loveridge Hoxie is also claimed to be a freemason without citation. Gorringe transported an ancient egyptian obelisk from Egypt to New York in 1881. Of the inscriptions found under the obelisk, "...Pike came to the conclusion that they did not bear any resemblance to symbols used in Freemasonry." [p. 32] Hoxie (d. April 1930) undertook the building of underground aquaducts. [p. 37] [John Quincy Adams] "Ward [sculptor of Garfields' memorial statue] had been a personal friend of Garfield, and was almost certainly a Mason, although I have not been able to identify his Lodge." [p. 435] Architect Arthur Brown is defined as a freemason because the sculptor of a statuary on the Departmental Auditorium used his face in a representation of freemason Nathanael Greene. "This implies that Brown is revealed as a Mason." [p. 302] Interestingly enough, John Russell Pope, the architect of the House of the Temple 1733 16th street, [old temple at 433 3rd street NW - p. 320] was not a freemason [p. 223] His design was submitted 6 May 1911. Ovason is convinced that it was "Ellicott who laid out the important direction of Pennsylvania Avenue." [p. 382] The second map published on March 1792 was amended by Ellicott from L'Enfant’s original August 1791 map, changing the angles of avenues and location of squares and circles to accomodate topographical requirements [p. 59] L"Enfant’s plan had been for 15 radial avenues, one for each state. The three commissioners determined the name of the city and that the grid streets be numbered and lettered. [p. 60] Ovason notes that city commissioners Daniel Carroll and Dr. David Stuart were freemasons [p. 406] while the third commissioner, Thomas Johnson, was not. Ovason makes a number of errors about Freemasonry. He claims that the Year of Masonry is "symbolically denoting the era following the supposed foundation of the Temple of Solomon [p. 76] but later correctly notes the abbreviation A.L. refers to a creation date. The many assertians of the masonic significance of pyramids ignore the complete lack of references in masonic ritual. He perpetuates the myth that "higher degrees" are somehow more powerful or important than the Craft degrees. [p. 171] He appears unaware of the actual masonic significance of a sheaf of corn or wheat but sees references to the goddess Virgo in almost every architectural representation of agriculture or industry. Ovason defines this Virgo as the "Beautiful Virgin" in masonic iconography. He cites several illustrations of Time and the Virgin, the monument to a Master Mason, as proof that this is a key symbol or metaphor in Freemasonry, again while ignoring the complete lack of usage in masonic ritual. This leads to Ovason’s claim of a masonic significance for the virgo star-goddess without citing any reference to ritual or lectures. He claims that "Freemasons insist on calling [it] the Problem of Euclid" [p. 300] when in fact most masonic literature and ritual refers to Euclid’s 47th proposition. Equating the cornerstone laying ceremony with a banishing ritual [p. 89], and the blazing star with Sirius, Anubis, the dog star [p. 118] is simply specious. Ovason’s theory stands or falls on the assumptions that L'Enfant and Ellicott were freemasons, that freemasons held similar views about astrology that he does, and that Freemasonry places any significance in Virgo. All his assumptions are unproven and his theory fails to pass any reasonable examination. The Secret Zodiacs of Washington DC, Was the City of Stars Planned by Masons? David Ovason. Random House UK Ltd, London: 1999. ISBN: 0 7126 7909 X
History of the Grand Lodge and of Freemasonry in the District of Columbia. Kenton N. Harper. Grand Lodge, Washington, D.C.: 1911. p. 12.^
Mafia doesn't exist - Masonry doesn't exist - the cult of the 'virgin' goddess doens't exist:


(Taken from:
"....Thus, Washington D.C. was represented as Virgo, the Virgin, dominated by Jupiter (Rome). From that point on, virtually all of the buildings in the nation’s capital, as well as the art buildings and statues, were dedicated or established on days when Virgo was prominent. To the Freemasons, Virgo represented the Egyptian goddess, Isis. To the average Catholic, Virgo represented the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. To the elements within the Roman Catholic Church, Virgo was Mary Magdalene, the supposed mother of Jesus Junior—said to be the progenitor of the Merovingian line of French kings. This is the subject of the recent book, The Da Vinci Code as well as the 2001 movie, “Revelations.” And, of course, it appears in the recent movie series, “The Matrix.”..."

I just found this.
Interesting looking map.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
"I'll tell you honestly what I think of the MVAC. I'm not Slovenian, but also watch the Slovenes and their struggle: MVAC helps us Italians very much ... but among the Slovenes it creates such hatred that in fifty years you will not be able to overcome it. "
Italian general Ruggero conversation with the bishop Rožman in the autumn of 1942
From the introduction of the book:
“Again, after more than fifty years, the legendary book “Belogardizem” of Franček Saje has been published. The first edition in 1951 sold out within weeks. Saje wrote the book as a full blooded chronicler and analyst. At more than 600 pages there is: - thoroughly analyzed the pre-war social, political and party image Slovenia; - precisely described and documented the development and work of the Slovenian collaborationist organizations and their supporters; - documented the relationship of the Roman Catholic Church, of the clergy and of the bishop Rožman with the Italian occupants; - All this is seasoned with a number of interesting documents and testimonies which show the hindrance of the political and religious leadership of the Slovenian collaborationism at home and in the London 'exiled' government, knowing that they were collaborating in front of the eyes of the their own suffering nation and of the world anti-fascist coalition.”
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