How Roman Catholicism shapes the societies and the minds using architecture and urban engineering - an example of the troubles the questioning about the choice in urban architecture can create to Rome (unfortunately I have no time to continue with this blog in the short-mid term - the architecture exposed on the previous messages is not all the stuff - the best (a five reversed pointed star in the center of the city of Trieste) has still to come)
From Douglas Willinger blog:
About the Roads of Disconnect and Connect Within and Near Washington, D.C., February 04, 2007
A Sampling of Attitudes Towards D.C. I-95

Being the historian of Washington, D.C.’s un-built highway system I have encountered a broad spectrum of attitudes in my years on the topic.
A good example of this was canvassing to publicize the then upcoming Freeways in Washington panel at the Washington, D.C. Historical Society, held October 30, 1998, 2:00-3:30 PM in the basement of Martin Luther King Library. I appeared on this panel with Jeremy Korr (University of Maryland) and Angela Rooney; it was moderated by Keith Melder, author of City of Magnificent Intentions: A History of the District of Columbia.
As part of its promotion I was given a stack of posters advertising this event; it showed a group of anti freeway protesters on the steps of the U.S. Capitol building, cir. 1970. (When I get my scanner working again or locate an existing scan, I will add it to this post.)
I naturally had to take these posters to a variety of places. One of these of course being at the I-95 stubs or “stumps” immediately inside the I-495 Capital Beltway, at a construction trailer in the higher elevation area south of the current parking lot, with two Maryland Department of Transportation employees. The older guy – late 50s -- was uninterested: it will never happen; the other – late 20s -- though seemed inspired when I pointed out the significance of that location: hmm that makes sense. Ah the juxtaposition of embitterment and of logic.
In the places in downtown Brookland I went, I best remember the barber shop and a hardware store. The men in the barber shop cried out could they please tear down some houses to build that much needed highway and others; one guy there even said that they could tear down “half” the homes in the city to serve D.C.’s traffic flow; I assured them that would not be necessary as a full system would require a tiny percentage. The hardware store guy took a look at the poster I was distributing and asked me if it was one of those stupid highly generalized anti-highway events. I replied that it was not – at least my presentation – though others there will try to turn it into one. Wow! I found the strongest support for urban freeways in the urban areas, with the men in that barber shop being African-American. Right in downtown Brookland, D.C., reported hotbed of the doctrinaire anti freeway dogma of “No White Man’s Roads Through Black Man’s Homes.” I think that the opposition was due to the reality that the 1963-64 freeway plans were disproportionately excessive, such as with the proposed destruction of Brooks Mansion, the Turkey Thicket neighborhood and the all new swath through Takoma Park for the I-70S segment, taking 471 dwellings in the one mile or so segment via an all new swath through Takoma Park, Maryland, for a longer route for I-70S then the canceled Northwest Freeway would have done in far upper NW, 74 according to a 1957 study, from the Maryland line to just south of a Tenley Circle Underpass (and continuing via Archibald-Glover Park, alas without there ever being consideration of a tunneled route).
Of course, since D.C. I-95 was not built, I would also come across others at various times, who were quite anti
One was an individual from Maryland in the National Motorists Association who testified with me and others before a committee of the Maryland legislature sometime in the early or mid 1990s about a bill to raise the maximum speed limit in that state from 55 to 60 mph. His response to the idea of building DC I-95 was a hysterical rant about demolishing or destroying Brookland, never mind the open areas along the railroad and the low number of residential displacement (34 under the 1970-71 plan), nor the idea of it there as a cut and cover tunnel. I suspect that he is not very familiar with the route and, given his hysterical response, was under the influence of misinformation.
Others of course were some of the surviving anti freeway activists of the 1960s and 1970s. A pair that I met in February 1998 through a visit to their house was Angela Rooney and her husband Thomas, who worked at CUA. Both who were activists against building any D.C. urban highways in the 1960s and 1970s. These people, or at least Angela, were so anti-road as to even oppose the WMATA Red Line- making me wonder why they ever moved to Brookland which has had the railroad since about 1863.
Another anti was Mark Rabinowitz, who had a web site against the Maryland Inter County Connector, and a small group of his house mates at a Georgia Avenue group house where I first met him in 1996. They were against D.C. I-95 even as a park covered tunnel built upon an existing railroad industrial corridor. They were also against any highways. Period. Whether urban or rural.
Another is Stewart Schwartz, who was misinformed about the feasibility of D.C. I-95, including just how few homes it would displace (with the proper D.C. I-95 design); he was likely so misinformed by those who hired him to be the Executive Director of the “Coalition for Smarter Growth”. This organization has its address at 4000 Albermarle Street NW in DC - right next to the 1957-59 Northwest Freeway alignment just north of Tenley Circle! To his credit, Schwartz has endorsed the idea of covering segments of freeways to improve local connectivity. However, his opposition at least seemed to be based upon such misinformation, in contrast to the following I-95 opponents who embodied the highly generalized attitude of pushing the highways away with far less conversation.
These were a group of black-clothed priests that attended my June 5, 2005 presentation near Catholic University of America, at the Archbishop Carroll High School through the D.C. NE Historical Society. My presentation was "The Never-Built Freeways of Northeast D.C.: The Plans and the Controversy, Part I" by Douglas A. Willinger of the Takoma Park Highway Design Studio. IIRC, these men were identified to me as Jesuits: members of the Jesuit Order, established by Ignatius Loyola in 1543 to counter the Protestant Reformation, via strategizing to further and expand the power of the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church. (If these men were with another Catholic Order I would appreciate hearing so through this post’s comments feature). I remember two of these men in particular, one white haired elderly, described to me as liking to jump on the bandwagon rather then think for himself, and a young, dark haired, reddish complexion one – too young to have been more then a child when D.C. I-95 was canceled in 1968-1973 – who appeared to me to be of mixed Irish and German ancestry. It was he who expressed the astonishment that they were actually going to run I-95 through Washington, D.C., as if that was somehow unfathomable. He did not appear too pleased to hear me discuss its feasibility, even as I acknowledged the shortcomings of the earlier designs (and that I felt it was right to stop those earlier specific plans, such as the 1964 plan’s demolition of Brooks Mansion).
Figuring that these men had an interest in what they would likely call “social justice” matters, I ended my laptop projection presentation with my own example of activism: the South Capitol Street/ Frederick Douglass Mall, and its desecration by the atrociously placed Nationals Ball Park Stadium, with the visual image of the stamp-pair that I had created with Ian Goddard in early 2005. I looked forward to an interesting discussion.
Instead there was only a cold silence.
Such so far reflects the general attitude of the authorities towards any urban freeways.

A Beholden Doctrine
Labels: "Freeways in Washington" Panel 1998, I-95, New Medievalism, North Central Freeway, Northeast Freeway, shadow government, Washington D.C. Freeways
(As I have no time, no resources, no money, no support at disposition, it is clear that what I wrote is affected by many errors and uncorrectness. I am not a prostitute lay journalist of this dirty Vatican 'tollerant' regime called 'democracy'. I have not the 51% of the Bank of America supporting my writings. I don't control the Casinò of Ostenda and neither Citroen and Peugeot as the General Superior did at least in 1958. So corrections and additions could appear in the future)
How it was done- generate the mass opposition by subverting U.S. President JFK's B&O Route North Central Freeway via a planning study started in late 1963 with its report published October 1964 that made a mockery of JFK's sensible idea to have the freeway employ existing lightly developed industrial propertys along the RR that happens to run alongside Catholic University of America:
Then have a law suit through that law firm of Covington & Burling contending that the freeway did not have the legal support of the deciding entitues (USNCPC and the DC City Council) at a time that it did have such support.
But have the officials waffel between the reasonable 1966 plan (basically faithful to JFK's 1962 proposal) and the insane 1964 recommendation through 1968, long enough to keep up the opposition for NCPC to flip 180 by December 1968.
And then in 1969 have Covington & Burling pay ECTC to riot in the DC City Council to dare not vote in favor of the JFK plan.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My perspective - I
After having created FED, CIA, etc., the RCC wanted to appear as not guilty. They chose a Roman Catholic, they pushed him to dismantle all those abominions of Rome, but they stopped him before to conclude the work. Moral: a Roman Catholic tried to reform the USA, but was stopped by "obscure forces". For the law of the opposites, those "obscure forces" are only the enemies of the Roman Catholicism. Guess whom. I am convinced of that because the refined allegory between the JFK assassination and Abraham Lincoln assassination are too much elaborated for being a product of the Quantum Mechani
Also please see:
The aborted Washington D.C. South Capitol Mall highlights freemasonry being controlled by Rome.
".....So does that St Vincent DePaul Church zodiac fit as part of a larger pattern, with other buildings?...."
Fortunately the city of Triest is little respect Wash. DC, so I could easily find the geometrical structures. What discovered and exposed in that book about Wash DC could be not all. I found other alignements "less important" among RC churches etc., but they are substantially as important as the in.famous rev. 5 pointed stars.
I forgot: there' another VIrgo's triangle in the city of Trieste (TS), it is smaller, it is too built with corners in RC temples and is with the SAME angle of the bigger one. The smaller is built in the historical center of TS, the one with the Jesuits S. Maria Maggiore church, the other inthe modern center of TS... as the cityu developed, also the Virgo's triangles developed,... from the XVII century (I 30 Y W), to the century of Ledochowsky, two triangles-two CCR war ages............
The important fact is the link between the geometrical Jesuit-exoteric figures, not only with temples of verious rleigions (at the center: RC & Jesuit temples), but also with monuments regarding WWI & II or the tragedies of those ages - steps/marks of CCR war agenda.
".....“As above, so below.” These words, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, lie at the heart of the Western esoteric tradition. ......"
more explicit than this.....
Hopefully this can be expanded on further the next time I am on Vatican Assassins radio...
Ok, go to the message:
Friday, February 13, 2009
The 'American' Masonic cup - filled with Jesuitical and Vatican sap
....scroll down and look at the last picture of the superior part of the entry of the historical Jesuit church (If i am not wrong after the XVIII cent. managed by Capuchins or similar) S. Maria Maggiore. Well, the side "a" of the till-now not exposed "old fashioned/baroque age" Virgo's tgriangle (which is corrispective and PARALLEL of the side "A" of the "modern" VIrgo's Triangle just exposed), runs just along that entry of the picture (the reader can image a band of a pair of meters of tolerance instead a-dimensional geometrical ideal lines if that disturb him )
Well, what is the particular of that Jesuit entry? Look at the little hammer:
Comment of picture ° 3:
This is the front door of the Santa Maria Maggiore 'Jesuit church' of Trieste. From the book: "Trieste Nascosta": …the hammer together with the compasses and the square is the first symbol of Masonry….”. The author goes further saying that “…not many know that in every Loyola's temple there’s, hidden in a corner, one of this mystical signs, beloved by Masonry…”......
Elimina didascalia
and the comment of picture # 4:
This is a particular about the hammer. Wasn't the Catholic sect founded by the heirs of the Mysteric/Satanic Religion of Babylon? Aren't they linked with the Levite's priests of the Pharaophs? Didn't wear the bishps the same fish-hat of their ancient colleagues of Sumeria? Tuchulcha, the Etruscan god of the Underworld, didn't use an hammer to catch you with him at the end of your life? When the pope dies, don't hit his assistants three times his temples with a silver hammer? MASONRY IS THE OCCULT HARM OF THE VATICAN.
Elimina didascalia
See my historical thread:
Jesuit, The Masters Of Masonry And Of Himmler's SS, New Evidencies From Trieste.
Posted: Oct 26 2007, 09:16 AM
The 1638 built Jesuit's church Santa Maria Maggiore, generally known to the public of Trieste as the "Jesuits' church":
user posted image
The author recalls us that “…the hammer is together with the compasses and the square is the first symbol of Masonry….”. The author goes further saying that “…not many know that in every Loyola's temple there’s, hidden in a corner, one of this mystical signs, beloved by Masonry…”.
On the front face of the Jesuit’s church Santa Maria Maggiore (now managed by another order, obviously under the control of the Company), built in 1638, there’s a ornamental iron grating on the doors, where a little but clear hammer has been integrated.
It is interesting to note that about less than 100 metres far from the ‘Loyola temple’, you had the Jewish ghetto…..
The fact that another historical early masonic temple is aligned with that side "a" of Old-Fashioned-Baroque age triangle (don't confuse it with the parlalle side "A" of the Modern-version-Virgo's triangle located in the part of the city built from the XIX century) is a matter of fact - in the future i hope to expose them, but when I should post at least a message or two per day in both ABE and AGKH blogs (evidently a failed mission) this is a very hard task.....
I'll get out of head before they could neutralize me....
Here you have santa maria maggiore historical jesuit church of TS:
Cese catoliche: Santa Maria maggior (Gesuiti) e Sotterranei
(Cese catholic: Santa Maria Maggiore (Jesuits) and Caves)
in the same page of the santa maria maggiore, etc. look at the pic with handgrenade in the post of PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:02 pm Post subject:
Lieutenant RICCIOTTI RANZATTO (but with no name), fallen in August 1944. A Fascist liutenant died in the Wlodimire Ledochowsky purge of Eurasia (to locally impose Latin civilization to "slavic barbarians"...)
This is the actual official Jesuit church of TS, the church of Sacro Cuore of Gesù in Ronco street, I exposed in that historical thread in TUM forum in end 2007
the church has been built in 1908 because the..... masonic Italian irredentists of Trieste opposed to a return of the Jesuits also after 1814! It is not strange that, because Italian irredentism and masonry were practically the same matrix!
In Trieste the Jesuits launched their masonic irredentists against the traditional church which represented the Hapsburgs.... because in inner Slovenia the traditional church was cultivating the Slovenian nation.... all that had to be kept separated.... because both anti-Slavic masonic irredentists and the early Slovenian irredentism were anti-Hapsburg....
the new Jesuit church was financed by Hapsburg... a century before the lodge of Innsbruck (Jesuit university) was filled with Romanist priests....
Never forget that if today a nation called "Slovenia" and a language called "Slovenian" exist, this is due to the Reform..... (In another post of that forum they say that the problem was Venice, nest of "heretics" which infected TS.... I don't have such idea a-la-John-Phelps.... I believe that the venetian hereticism died early, and was resuscitated by Jesuits to play double games (just see before the CR the GIordano Bruno affair in Venice...)... The same Trubar, founder of Sloveinan protestant etc., was surelyu a FAILED product of the Venetian factory of "false heretics".... I believe that Trubar was the "robot who escaped out of control".... But for all that, the seat is AGKH blog....
when the city of TS was growing thanks Maria Teresia (anyway, if i am not wrong she pulled away Jews from Bohemia and didn't recognize the Lutheran communities in TS) in XVIII century (the most important Hapsburg harbour) the masonic lodge could have also as member the bishop of the city. For all along the XIX century the city enlarged enormously (from 20,000/40,000 inhabtit. to more than 200,000) and it was here the greatest influence of the Jesuit masonic geometry. the "liberals" Italian nationalists were practically a Masonic organization and for this reason they "opposed" to the come back of Jesuits in the city after 1814. It is evident that when they were to reach the goal (TS and Primorje under Itlian domination) and were going to be dismissed/transformed in: FASCISM OF THE BORDERS, the Jesuits appeared without ifs and buts. I ask myself: but did for an instant the Hapsburg mind about the deadly danger of those Jesuits, to whom they lavished money for the Secon Jesuit church of Ronco street? In any case the Jesuits were so much "supporters" of the Hapsburg empire that.... the victorious enemies of that empire, not only exiled the jesuits from the city, but were controlled by them!!! (see SJ pietro Tacchi Venturi...).
Errata corrige: of course read it with the "DIDN'T":
"....In any case the Jesuits were so much "supporters" of the Hapsburg empire that.... the victorious enemies of that empire, not only DIDN'T exile the jesuits from the city, but were controlled by them!!! (see SJ pietro Tacchi Venturi...)........"
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